Cambrian Park

 United Methodist Church

I'm New

We are so happy you chose to find out more about Cambrian Park UMC.  

Since April of 2023 our Buildings on our campus have been opened.  If you want to
visit we are connecting with our members and the community in person in the Sanctuary
at 9:30 am and through 
   Our new Pastor,  Reverend Mariellen Yoshino has wonderfully conducted our
worship for the last 8 months and has been preaching at Almaden Hills UMC as well.  
  We are delighted to have her and you will be exited as well if you come and see her special 
warmth, charisma and knowledge of scripture.
Phone408-377-8155                                                                             Blessings.

You will find a large parking lot on Wyrick Ave that is close to the front of the Sanctuary.
Our Sanctuary service is at 9:30am and an online one at 11:00am with the Almaden UMC .

We are a church that encourages people to feel comfortable so you may wear casual clothes.
We have a cry room inside the Sanctuary that you may use for babies should you care to bring them
with you to church and they start to get fussy.  We love babies so don't feel that you have to remove 
them if you don't want to.


New to United Methodism?

We are glad you are here!

For more information about the United Methodist Church worldwide, go to

For more information about the United Methodist Church in our region, go to the California Nevada Conference website.

For more information about Cambrian Park United Methodist Church, please explore our website and/or ask our members, Reverend Mariellen Yoshino or any Staff.

Cambrian Park United Methodist Church

1919 Gunston Way
San Jose, CA 95124