Volunteer your Time
Thank you for volunteering your time to Cambrian Park UMC! There are many ways you can help, and here are just a few of the many ways.
Would you like to volunteer during the week by:
- Helping in the Office?
- Helping with the Landscaping?
- Helping with Property Maintenance?
- Providing a meal?
- Providing a ride?
- Serving and preparing meals with Loaves & Fishes?
- Help with the website?
- Blog for the website?
- Help with the newsletter?
How about volunteering during the Worship Service and Fellowship hour by:
- Being a Welcome Host?
- A Greeter?
- An Usher?
- Lector Reader?
- Communion Helper?
- Photographer?
- Scrip Helper?
- Sunday School helper for children from preschool to 5th grade?
- Youth Sunday School helper for middle and high school youth?
- Nursery Worker?
- Choir Member?
- Instrumentalist?
- Healthy snacks and drinks provider for fellowship?
Volunteer for Memorial Receptions
Another way you can volunteer your time is to help the Cambrian Park United Methodist Women during Memorial Receptions at the church. Preparing snacks, serving refreshments, set-up and clean-up are just a few of the ways you can volunteer your time.